SymmetryDirect launches their Whole food Multi-Vitamin both in liquid and caplets
Released on = September 7, 2006, 5:05 pm
Press Release Author = Trevor Alfred / Alphred Ashton, LLC.
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Ultra Vitality Liquid Multi Vitamin Delivers Balanced Levels of 110 Nutrients In Every Easy-To-Swallow Glass!\" Symmetry\'s Ultra VitalityT multivitamin/mineral supplement offers a novel, innovative approach for daily nutritional support in a great-tasting, easy-to-take drink! With comprehensive benefits equivalent to Ultra Vitality NutraPackT caplets, Ultra VitalityT comes in a powder that dissolves easily in water, allowing the nutrients to digest quickly and easily, so you can be assured that you are getting the full benefits of all important nutrients!
Press Release Body = Symmetry Direct Ultra Vitality Symmetry Direct Ultra Vitality is available as a nutritional drink or as NutraPack caplets. If you\'re one of the thousands of people who have difficulty swallowing a tablet, then you\'ll love our tasty Ultra Vitality drink! Simply mix the contents of the sealed foil packet with a glass of water, and you have all the daily nutrients you need. It\'s that simple!
Symmetry Direct Ultra Vitality wedsite is! Many individuals, on the other hand, prefer to swallow a tablet and be done with all their daily vitamin, mineral, and nutritional supplement needs. If that\'s you, then you\'ll want to order the Symmetry Direct Ultra Vitality NutraPack Caplets. Both the liquid and the caplet form of Ultra Vitality contain the same vital nutrients needed for living a healthy, active lifestyle.
Symmetry Direct Ultra Vitality Contents Some of the vitamins and minerals contained in Symmetry Direct Ultra Vitality products include Vitamins A, C, D, E, B6, B12, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folate, Biotin, Calcium, Iodine, Magnesium, and more. Also included is a nutritive herbal blend of dandelion root, Irish moss, jujube fruit, and nettle leaf; a chlorophyll blend of alfalfa leaf, D. salina algae, and lycopene; an antioxidant compound blend of rose hips, citrus bioflavonoid, green tea, and grape seed extract; plus many other herbs and nutritional sources.
For more information about the benefits of Symmetry Direct Ultra Vitality, give them a call at 646-335-7327. Why take dozens of pills a day to get all the necessary nutritional supplements when you can enjoy the great taste of a glass of Ultra Vitality, or take one easy-to-swallow tablet four times a day?
Web Site =
Contact Details = Trevor Alfred Brooklyn, NY 11225 646-335-7327
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